

Thanks for a beautiful getaway. We have thoroughly enjoyed the ambience and the fabulous service. This is our new favourite place to stay.

— Jacki and Blair

Thank you for a wonderful stay. Chris proposed to me in front of the fire – such a special moment.

— Beth and Chris

What a beautiful relaxing private way to spend our 5th wedding anniversary. Olinda is beautiful. The Loft makes it perfect. Will definately be back and will be telling everyone we know about you. Thanks

— Allison and Henry

I came here with the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend.
The Hathaway room is just sensational
The Limousine pickup just had her all excited and Skyhigh was outstanding.
A proposal on bended knee in front of the fire place after dinner has me leaving here with the most perfect fiancée I could ever imagine. Thank you for everything

— Lambi and Kristy

Thank you for a lovely stay. The Hathaway room is so romantic, with the fireplace, four poster bed and LOVE symbols. I especially loved the french vouge coffee table books and all the little “love” books. Thank you

— Caroline and Mark

It was everything we thought it would be and more!!

— Denise and Frank

Warm, romantic and fabulous little touches everywhere. Thanks for creating such a beautiful place.
Will tell all our friends in NZ and will be back.

— Maree and Murray

Thank you so much for everything, your hospitality is second to none, what a wonderful way to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, the room is magical…The best in The Dandenongs by far.

— Elena and Christian

A fantastic stay in a beautiful place away from the hustle and bustle. The perfect place to destress and enjoy time away with the one you love

— Geoff and Emily

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